To Wash Or Not To Wash
Washed or unwashed eggs
People are beginning to understand that the more natural products we can use, the better it is for everyone. But there is one topic that nearly always results in very lengthy discussions and conflicting opinions. So, what is this highly controversial topic? Eggs. And specifically, should eggs be kept in the fridge, and should fresh farm eggs be washed or not?
The difference in opinions is because of the food regulations in different countries. Go into a supermarket in Europe and eggs are stored on shelves, whereas in the US, they are kept in a ‘fridge. This is due to the regulations concerning salmonella. Chickens in Europe are vaccinated against salmonella, so you do not need to wash the eggs. However, in the US, chickens are not vaccinated. Therefore egg washing is mandatory.
Washed eggs have to be kept in the ‘fridge because the protective coating – called ‘bloom’ – is removed during washing. Without that coating, the eggs are more exposed to bacteria growth. Although the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) allows different cleaning solutions to be used for egg washing – including chlorine, ammonia, and acids! – egg producers do not have to declare what they use to wash the eggs. Yuck, I do not want any of that in my body!
What about fresh farm eggs?
Organic, free-range eggs from a local farmer (like me!) sometimes have a bit of dirt on them. If the shell of the egg isn’t washed, some of this dirt might end up in your food. If you wash it off and don’t use the eggs right away then you need to put them in the fridge. Why? Because you will have washed off the coating that protects the egg from bacteria. So, if you wash them, use them straightaway or put them in the fridge. Leave fresh eggs unwashed and they will keep on the worktop or in a cupboard for several weeks.
How to wash eggs
If you are lucky to have some farm fresh eggs, wipe the eggs with a damp towel or rinse them under warm water. Do not soak them, because eggshells are porous. If you want, just wash them individually in warm water to remove any debris. After washing – use them or ‘fridge them. Right, I hope that’s cleared things up. Now, let’s cook!