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A whale's tail in the sea - cover images for Carbon Sinking blog


Is one whale really worth thousands of trees?

Carbon sinking is a HUGE topic. We can sink carbon into the earth and also into the sea. Too much carbon in the sea can have catastrophic effects. A prime example of this can be seen in the way that the coral reefs are being affected.

However, whales can help prevent the overloading of carbon in the seas. So saving whales is a great way to help save the planet. How brilliant is that? There are lots of articles which explain more about the science behind the way in which whales can help. I’ve added the links to two of these articles below.

Interestingly, one article leads with an immense, thought-provoking statement – one whale is worth thousands of trees! Can it really be true?

Image credit -Dmitry Osipenkos on Unsplash


“Marine biologists have recently discovered that whales play a significant role in capturing carbon from the atmosphere.  International organizations have implemented programs such as Reducing Emissions from Degradation and Deforestation (REDD) that fund the preservation of carbon-capturing ecosystems.

Adapting these initiatives to support international efforts to restore whale populations could lead to a breakthrough in the fight against climate change.”

~ Nature’s Solution to Climate Change

Nature-based solutions

“Saving whales is probably a good way to save the planet, according to a group of scientists who examined the animals’ potential to act as a carbon sink. Something that helps reduce carbon in the Earth’s atmosphere by absorbing more carbon than it releases.

Many nature-based solutions to fight climate change focus on the ability of trees and wetlands to capture and store atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, in a recent Trends in Ecology and Evolution publication, biologists explore the idea that whales can influence the amount of carbon in the air and ocean.” ~ How saving whales could help save the planet

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